”So close yet so far” project / by thymournia (diaries of a fallen raven)

Posted on May 3, 2014 by



”I’m currently working on a project named SO CLOSE YET SO FAR which is all about our daily routine lives and how we communicate with people in every possible way, our feelings towards each other from miles away and how we actually handle the situation when we see someone doesn’t matter if she/he is a family member, wife, husband, friend, lover… through a webcam or a photo shared on Facebook. It is all about capturing the moment exactly the way it is and sharing the moment.
(I will take a photo of you the way you are through webcam and put the text of how you feel these days generally or at that moment)”  – – –

Acesta este un proiect despre care am tot vrut să scriu și care pornește de la cineva foarte dedicat ideii de artă. Este foarte special fiindcă toată lumea poate participa, e un mod inedit de ”documentare” a stării de moment a oricui dorește. Orice proiect despre care cineva va spune că este proiectul vieții sale trebuie că va fi măcar de urmărit… Lucrurile funcționează, în mare, astfel:

How to participate:
1. Add me on Skype (thymournia)
2. If you don’t use Skype and you have webcam, take a screenshot of yourself as bigger as you can and mail it to doom.forest@gmail.com
for those who want to participate in this project, you should know your casual look and your feeling at the moment is important.
Share this with people you think who would participate and spread the idea.


Ceea ce a ieșit de aici este cu adevărat frumos (ni se reamintește că orice moment e prețios, orice secundă e o capodoperă) mai ales că imaginea este însoțită și de text, iată câteva exemple:


“…come and take me away from here, for I am undone.”


“Light, revelation, knowledge ….transform the impossible into the possible. This is my challenge.”


“…my soul belongs to strangers with closed eyes.”


“Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.” – Bob Marley


“It’s against the wind that I have flown.”


“I know a sad little fairy, who lives in an ocean…and ever so softly, plays her heart into a magic flute.”- Forough Farrokhzad


”How much I even try, no matter with what I feed it, it is never enough. So the only thing that is left for me, is the craving for more.”


“The song of the birds in spring, feeds my senses with joy of living.”


“Often it is the most deserving people who cannot help loving those who destroy them.” – Hermann Hesse


“I feel like a sponge to wring, dirty water leaking.”


“The absence is corrosive, the mind is treacherous.”


“The Sunrise—Sire—compelleth Me— Because He’s Sunrise—and I see— Therefore—Then— I love Thee…” – Emily Dickinson


“When you become the beating pulse of death, all the fate, food and the joys turns into the pedestals of time.”


 A project that is not about photography or a simple photo-shoot of a person. It is all about us, how we are, how we connect, hate, lie, hope, love, desire, humiliate, share, and above all how we act towards a person which is so far and yet so close through a simple screen in front of us. All is about being deprived, and being so far away from each other no matter whom we talk to, whom we share our routine lives with or whom we love, we desire, we hate, we live by.
My lifetime project after all these years which would go on as I will take my last breath, an intense and a rough path to walk in… I walk in your shoes, I feel with you, I live through you and we exist through each other. My sincere respect to all whom have joined in till this very moment and lived with me through this.
-SO CLOSE YET SO FAR… a solemn pledge to art and to my own soul, as broken as it is, to share, to exist and to create out of each pixel and the most real thing which is yet to be defined…Life…



Thank you, Thymournia, for your dedication to art, beauty and life!


Find more about this special project here:

Website, thymournia.com – here.

Facebook page of the project.